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Beta Reading

Ever had a goblin read your writing?


As an avid reader, book blogger, fantasy writer, editor, and marketer, I wear many mushroom hats—all of them pertaining to storytelling.

If you need someone to help patch plot holes (I have big sticks and little sticks), hiss at your characters when they step out of line, and screech into the void when something doesn't make sense, I'm your goblin.

About Me

Jordan graduated with a BA in English and a marketing minor in 2020 and began editing freelance that same year. Following internships with a small press and as a blog writer, she joined the Quill & Crow Publishing House editing team alongside her day job as a library programs coordinator. In 2023, Jordan departed the library field to launch her author-centered business and help fellow wordsmiths on their writing quests full-time.

For Jordan's full editing credits, see her editing page!




I primarily beta read YA and adult fiction. This includes novels, novellas, short stories, and micro-fiction. I have the most experience with fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, contemporary romance, dystopian, suspense/horror, and literary gothic. I accept works with nearly every type of content, but please include content warnings with your request so I can make an informed decision.

I do not offer beta reading for nonfiction or for fiction centered on modern religious/political themes. If you are unsure whether your writing falls under my expertise, contact me with a description of your work.

Since beta reading covers a broader scope than editing, I suggest reading a few of my book reviews to assess common themes I look for. You can also check out my writing tips for general pointers.

New clients are offered a free sample review of the first chapter (up to 2,500 words) for works 50k words or over. Note that this will not reflect the extent of a full beta read, but if you are satisfied with my commenting style, the sample will be used to help determine your final quote.

General Read

A general read is one read-through that looks for common issues and areas to focus on in rewrites. This is recommended for authors who want publishing-focused feedback to implement as they see fit. I will:

  • Screech at plot & logic holes and offer sticks to patch them accordingly.

  • Sniff out narrative & character inconsistencies and poke them until they make sense.

  • Scurry around awkward pacing or confusing passages until they're more confused by me (and shape up).

  • Point and hiss at sections that can be cut or added to.

  • Bonk overused phrases to look out for.

  • Leave gobliny commentary, including all the things that please my eyeballs or make me wail in eternal sadness.

General Read Pricing

General Guideline (rounded up after 500 words)

$30 per 10k words​

10k words — $30

20k words — $60

50k words — $150

90k words — $270

100k words — $300

Detailed Read

A detailed read includes everything a general read does, plus in-depth suggestions that go beyond general fixes. The detailed read includes 2 read-throughs to ensure changes have been implemented successfully and to address remaining concerns.

This includes suggestions for:

  • Sections and/or chapters to slash or shoo elsewhere for better pacing and clarity.

  • Hex your characters when their dialogue or actions are not in line with the author's vision or their characterization.

  • How to weave fae magick through plot and subplots so they flow well and have a satisfying resolution (if applicable).


Note: The detailed read is not meant to stand in for developmental editing and will not suggest drastic changes. Though it targets a lot of the same elements and can be an affordable alternative to dev editing, it is feedback to base your rewrites on and not editorial guidance.

Detailed Read Pricing

General Guideline (rounded up after 500 words)

$50 per 10k words​

10k words — $50

20k words — $100

50k words — $250

90k words — $450

100k words — $500

These prices are guidelines to help estimate cost. Since each project is unique and requires different types/levels of beta reading, please contact me for an official quote. There is no obligation to hire me for requesting information.


After the beta reading agreement is signed, half of the total cost will be due before work begins, with the remainder due upon project completion (with the exception of projects under $60, which will be due as one payment at the beginning). Invoices will be emailed on both counts.


I do not charge taxes or service fees; the final quote I give is the only amount you will pay.

I accept payment through PayPal, but alternatives will be considered upon request.


Contact me with any questions or beta reading requests below!

Thanks! I'll get back to you soon!

  • How do I know which service I need?
    This depends on a number of factors, so I am always happy to suggest a service based on a writing sample and what you're looking to get out of it! Most novels go in order of Drafting > Personal Revisions/Big Picture Edits > Beta Reading > Revisions/Self-edits based on beta feedback > Developmental Editing > Line Editing > Copy Editing > Proofreading This ensures each stage is able to achieve maximum impact in making your work as polished as possible. After all, you don't want to heavily edit a book that hasn't gone through revisions, because you'd lose all the editing work when you moved things around! To learn more about editing stages, see "How to Navigate the Four Stages of Book Editing" and "What is the Difference Between Copy Editing and Line Editing?"
  • Why is your editing/beta reading priced this way?
    Put simply, professional beta reading and editing can take a lot more time and attention to detail than one might think. When assessing quotes, I account for how much time I believe a manuscript will take based on how in-depth edits or beta feedback need to be. I also account for skill level and time in the field (like any profession, more experience can equal a slightly higher cost), the technology and upkeep costs of running a business, and what hourly rate I'll need to see a net income rather than a net loss on time. To learn more about editing costs and what freelance editors do, see "Why Are Book Editors Are So Expensive" and "The Other Reason Book Editors Are So Expensive." I do my best to be as accessible as possible, so I'm more than happy to work out flexible payment plans! I don't believe anyone should have to break the bank for their passion, so let's figure out a plan that works for you.
  • How can I lower my editing/beta reading cost(s)?
    There are several ways to lower the time and detail needed to edit/beta read your manuscript, which will in turn lower the price. For both editing & beta reading, make sure you read through your work at least once to catch any mistakes and clean up what you can (don't forget to read aloud!). This will take care of any obvious issues so you're not getting feedback on things you already know about. You can also reach out to friends, a writing community, or a critique group who are willing to read your work for free. This allows you to get different perspectives on your work and maybe catch issues or tendencies you didn't notice on your self-read. Pay attention to mistakes highlighted by your word processor. An editor can of course correct these for you, but it adds paid time that a processor often catches for free. NOTE: If you're using Scrivener, I recommend importing the manuscript to Word or Google Docs to do a self-edit there. Scrivener is wonderful, but it's not the best at catching grammar bugs. Don't forget the revision and self-editing stages! Even if you're requesting a beta read, you want your manuscript to be at a point where you're not finding any noticeable issues. Again, this traces back to getting the most value by not having your beta reader/editor spot things you would have found yourself. Self-editing can also reduce your word count, which plays a big part in time and cost. Ask about payment plans. While this won't change the overall price, it does break the investment down into manageable payments. I never charge interest or taxes on my book services, so breaking the payment down won't affect the final cost.
  • What is the editing/beta reading contract for?
    The contract protects both parties from privacy and intellectual infringement (I will never sell, reveal, or use your information in any way, and I ask that you do the same). It also states that all rights to a work remain with the author and ensures clients understand the scope of work they are receiving and the amount to be paid. I also include my refund policy for cancellations or missed deadlines.
  • I'm on a tight deadline. How quickly can you edit/beta read?
    Due to the varied nature of my work (I'm an editor, beta reader, writer, and I sell merchandise that I create), I cannot guarantee a rush order on any work. Shorter works are more likely to make it to you on a tight deadline, which I'm happy to discuss with you, but it is recommended that you have a flexible or reasonable deadline for me to work within. Since editing is not my only job, I may not edit as quickly as a full-time editor, particularly on longer works. Note: This does not mean I will not be conscious of your deadlines. Just that I request they be reasonable, especially if you have a longer work and/or one that requires intensive edits. I will pass on works I feel I cannot edit on time so you may seek an editor who fits your needs.
  • What reasons might you decline an edit/beta read for?
    As a fellow writer and someone who's worked in and around the publishing industry, I understand time is of the essence, and I greatly respect yours. I also know that an editor/reader who can't fall in love with your work won't be the ideal match for either party. I reserve the right to decline services if: I feel I don't have time to do your writing justice in the timeframe you need it by. Your work is in a genre or has themes I'm not familiar enough with to do justice. Your work is nonfiction or religious/political (which my statement says I do not edit/read). It violates my ethics, i.e. glorifies certain dark content or utilizes harmful tropes/themes. For editing: Your work is not at the stage you are requesting edits for. A manuscript goes through many revisions and edits before it is publishing-ready, and yours may not be at the stage you are requesting. Example: You request copy edits when your work still needs revisions or line edits. I will inform you what stage(s) I think your work needs, and you are welcome to request that other service if I provide it.
  • Should I credit you in my work?
    While you are more than welcome to credit me, and any mention is always appreciated, you are not required to do so. I do, however, reserve the right to list your published work in my editing portfolio, and I may reach out to you for a testimonial.

Beta Reading Calendar


"Over the years, I've worked with many beta readers, and Jordan is one of the best. She understood the vision I had for my novel instantly and helped me see ways to realize it that I'd never thought of. With the advice she gave me, I'm excited to rewrite my novel and make it become what Jordan saw it could be."
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